Who We Are

GardenIdeas.App is an esteemed project entirely devoted to the Ornamental Plant World, established in 2023. Our globally diversified team is ardently passionate about plants, and we cater to a worldwide audience. We are not a commercialized entity, and our content creation is not influenced by paid writers. Our blogs and research are a reflection of our genuine love for the natural world surrounding us.

We are proud of the great goal we have set for ourselves, to be one of the largest plant websites. Our project strives to gain popularity among nature lovers, and as of April 2023, our goal is to be one of the top 100 most visited sites in the Flora and Fauna section.

We diligently work on this website to contribute to the plant science community, driven by our love for this particular human activity, the community, and our desire to be a positive influence within it. However, if the day comes when our passion dwindles, we will be forthright in informing our audience of our decision to cease operations.

To get in touch with us, please use the Contact Us form on our website, leave a comment or reach out to us on social media.