Garden Pests

Garden pests are insects, rodents, and other animals that feed on and damage plants, causing significant harm to gardens and crops. Common garden pests include aphids, slugs, snails, caterpillars, and squirrels, among others. These pests can cause stunted growth, leaf damage, fruit and vegetable loss, and even the death of plants. Gardeners use various methods to control pests, including natural predators, insecticides, and physical barriers. Integrated pest management (IPM) is a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to pest control that combines multiple strategies and focuses on preventing pest problems before they occur. By understanding the biology and behavior of garden pests, gardeners can take proactive measures to protect their plants and ensure a healthy and productive garden.



Gardening enthusiasts face a myriad of challenges, and among the stealthy invaders that can wreak havoc on your plants, whiteflies stand out as persistent pests. In this article, we’ll explore the world of whiteflies, examining their identification, life cycle, impact… (READ MORE)



Gardening brings joy, but it also comes with its share of challenges, and one persistent adversary that gardeners often face is the tiny yet troublesome aphid. These minuscule insects may seem harmless individually, but en masse, they can wreak havoc… (READ MORE)